Military stories from past to present, both wars.

Archive for the ‘Site News’ Category

LtCol Chris “Otis” Raible and Sgt. Brad Atwell…Marine Hero’s

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 Posted in Military, Site News | No Comments »

Well guys, a week has passed since LtCol Chris “Otis” Raible and Sgt. Atwell died and you only hear bits and pieces about it on the news.  I just heard Sen. McCain on talk radio mention the deeds of these ...

The New SandGram…

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008 Posted in Site News | 28 Comments »

Dear Gang, If you are reading this, then you found out I have moved. This was a goal I had six months ago and spurred on by my Uncle Bruce who helped me get the domain name for the Sandgram. We ...